
I love my pet

09/07/2012 11:11



my lovely dog


This is my dog and he's 2 and a half years old. Lovely, isn't he?

I'm actually feeling somewhat tense bout bloggin

09/07/2012 11:11



My pal Clayton who lives in Columbia wanted me to write a post about this website because it may help my dedicated visitors.


Anyway, this website is centered on this blog. He probably observed that I was logged in in Skype so he informed me about it. Since posting about this probably would not damage my weblog, I ended up doing so. So there you go. Comment about it here if you love it. I'd love to tell my good friend that somebody loved it.

My Entire Life Is Explained Here

09/05/2012 13:21



In case you don't know who I am, I am only a simple person. I think that this is your first time here in my site which means that you will certainly find this blog as special.


The simple truth is I like all sorts of activities, particularly driving motor bikes. Haha, yeah I know, not what you envisioned hearing on my very first paragraph nevertheless I think you will discover I'm not restricted to just that. I love to live life!


Remember to always consider this. “I always take life with a grain of salt, …plus a slice of lemon, …and a shot of tequila.” - Unknown

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